Role-Playing Game Research - 2020 RPG Research Year in Review
2020 RPG Research Year in Review - The Short List
2 min read
- Hawke ,Danielle, and John working on Gen Con 2020 Programming - link
- BFRPG Accessible Character Sheet published at website
- Began using Odoo 13 to replace Plone and 6 other separate products.
- Began prep for RPG Conference 2020
- Met with Cursed Crypt at their factory
- Spark Central Community center Workshops
- Gen Con TV TableTakes - Hawke Robinson Neurodiversity in Gaming and more!
- Looked into multiple fundraisers (Les Schwab Tires, St Patrick's Day parade.
- COVID-19
- Moved Spark Central Drop-in and RPG Online
- Purchased New Trailer (Octane) (now fleet includes RPG Trailer 2 (1 was destroyed by theives), RPG Bus, and RPG Trailer 2)
- GenCon TV TableTakes March 20th
- Continued Spark Central moved online for Drop-in and RPG
- Began work on TFN's Event Platform for ZoeCon, Technorama, Realm Builders, WorldCon, and GenCon Film Festival
- Zoe Con April 24
- Unboxing "Stranger Things" D&D Starter Set
- Received Activity Kit from Wizard of the coast (D&D Beyond)
- Stabilized 12 week training program
- GenCon TV - GenCon Roundtable: GenConVersations - Socializing Distantly & General Well Being
- Mentioned in NBC News article - link pending
- Rrefurbished laptop purchases for RPG Research from donor funds for ERPG department, purchased through Techsoup
- ASL RPG sessions resume
- Started move from Odoo 13 to Odoo 12
- Rolling for Change Podcast -
- GenConTV - Gen Con Roundtable: GenConVersation - Mental Health And Socializing Distantly
- Accessible Gaming Quarterly (Need AD)
- Critical Core Playtest
- World of Beru ends season 2.
- RPG Tour from WA across country to ME to TX and back to WA. -
- Created RPG and GoFundMe -
- Received DOTS Accessibility Committee Invitation
- Hosted Technorama Australia convention on co-developed TFN Event Platform
- Hosted Realm Makers convention on co-developed TFN Event Paltform
- Hosted WorldCon 78 on co-developed TFN Event Platform
- GenCon 2020 - RPG Research Workshops
- GenCon 2020 - RPG Games
- GenCon 2020 - Ancient and World Tabletop Games
- Hosted GenCon film festival co-developed TFN Event Platform
- GenCon TV Tabletakes - Overcoming Interpersonal and Societal Conflict Through the Power of Role-Playing Gaming
- Spark Central (at same time as World Con and Gen Con)
- GenCon 2020 - RPG Research Workshops
- GenCon 2020 - RPG Games
- GenCon 2020 - Ancient and World Tabletop
- RPG Research vacation Aug 3-9, for everyone to recover from intense summer of programs.
- Phase 1 BCI-ERPG completed
- Phase 2 BCI-ERPG begins
- Archivists department formed and begins consolidating and cleaning up research archives.
- Work continues with RPG Museum, now with archivist team added.
- Mindcrack Podcast
- GenCon TV Tabletakes - Role-Playing Game Group Formation, Communication, and Dynamics with Hawke Robinson August 21
- PBS KIDS contacted Hawke
- Alexis and Danielle stared RPG Research inventory
- Change GM level 1 training program from 12 weeks to 16 weeks.
- Save against Fear -
- Rescheduled SpoCon Epic for April 2021
- Archivists team completes moving 1,000+ content items (estimated ~10,000 items)
- Personally Speaking guest on KYRS Thin Air Community Radio -
- Call of Cthulhu Halloween late night special broadcast -
- OpenBCI R&D Kit
- Paper submitted to Educational Psychology Review - "Play for Growth: A Systematic Literature Review of Games and Socioemotional Skills" by Lucy Zheng, et al.
- RPG Training Workbook Amazon Preview Edition Published
- Selected RPG Museum catalog software
- MindCrack Charity fundraising 8-hour RPG marathon
- Scheduled New Game Evaluation and brought back Advocacy class
- GenCon TV TableTakes (begins at 1:15:37)

Hawke Robinson
Known across multiple industries as "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" because he has been studying the effects and uses of role-playing games and their potential to achieve therapeutic goals longer than anyone else, Hawke Robinson is a Washington State Department of Health Registered Recreational Therapist.
He has a diverse and deep background in Therapeutic Recreation / Recreation Therapy, computer science, neuroscience, cognitive neuropsychology, neurotech, research psychology, nursing, play therapy, education, music, and role-playing gaming.
- Hawke Robinson has been involved with role-playing games in community settings since 1977.
- Studying methods for optimizing the experience of role-playing games, software development, and online since 1979.
- A paid professional game master since 1982.
- Studying the effects of role-playing games upon participants since 1983.
- Providing role-playing games in educational settings and for educational goals since 1985.
- Working with incarcerated populations since 1989.
- Researching and using role-playing games to achieve therapeutic goals for a wide range of populations from 2 years old through senior adults since 2004.
- Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit 501(c)3 charitable research and human services organization, RPG Research.
- Founder and CEO of the for-profit RPG Therapeutics LLC and RPG.LLC.
- Author of multiple books in technology and gaming W.A. Hawkes-Robinson books available on Amazon.
- Creator of the wheelchair accessible RPG Mobile fleet vehicles and trailers.
- Founder of the experiential learning Role-Playing Game RPG Museum, and much more.
- Creator of the Brain-Computer Interface Role-Playing Game (BCI RPG) and many other related projects.
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