Role-Playing Game Research - RPG Community Center Public Hours Update, August 25th, 2022
This posting covers details on the updated schedule and programming options for the RPG Community Center in Spokane, as of August 26th, 2022.
Update about the RPG Community Center. Join the free role-playing games fun each week!
Weekly Fridays 4-8 pm, Saturdays 1-5 pm at 101 N. Stone St. Spokane, WA 99202.
US Toll-free phone/fax: (833) RPG-INFO (774-4636)
Limited seating available so arrive early/on-time.
This week: August 26th and August 27th.
Today's game offerings:
- Call of Cthulhu
- Pathfinder
- D&D5e.
Tomorrow's game offerings:
- The One Ring 2nd Ed
Other weeks we also may offer:
Doctor Who
No Thank You Evil and Kids on Bikes for kids
Bubblegumshow (13+)
Dresden Files
Dark Crystal
Critical Core
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (BFRPG)
Star Wars d6
Twilight 2000
FATE Super Heroes
and many more!
Offerings each week/day vary based on availability of our volunteer game masters and their schedules.
RPG Research is 100% volunteer-run 501(c) non-profit research and human services charitable organization providing community role-playing game programs. RPG Research Mission: - Vision: - Impact:
We have multiple tables available each week.
Right now we are at just 3 tables in the main community common area room (Building B, Room 1, tables 1-3) (south entrance through fence gate).
We are working weekly on getting the other separate rooms/tables ready.
We should have 2-3 more rooms in the next week or three ready (the RPG Trailer 1 (Vengeance), RPG Trailer 2 (Octane), and RPG Bus - total 6 tables concurrently).
Room/table 7 is a separate out-building and going to take more donations and work for us to finish the game room building (windows, insulation, sheet rock).
Rooms/Tables 8-12 are in Building A (rooms 1-4 of that building).
We need to get security bars added to Building A's doors and windows before we put anything of value in there, which depends on donations, so it will probably be October/November before those rooms are ready.
We are limited in how many tables we can staff with our volunteer game masters each week depending on the availability of our trained volunteers each week. We will be recruiting new trainees to join our free, rigorous, game master training program, starting next week. Courses for new trainees will begin in September.
We hope to see you at the RPG Community Center soon!
Happy Gaming!

Hawke Robinson
Known across multiple industries as "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" because he has been studying the effects and uses of role-playing games and their potential to achieve therapeutic goals longer than anyone else, Hawke Robinson is a Washington State Department of Health Registered Recreational Therapist.
He has a diverse and deep background in Therapeutic Recreation / Recreation Therapy, computer science, neuroscience, cognitive neuropsychology, neurotech, research psychology, nursing, play therapy, education, music, and role-playing gaming.
- Hawke Robinson has been involved with role-playing games in community settings since 1977.
- Studying methods for optimizing the experience of role-playing games, software development, and online since 1979.
- A paid professional game master since 1982.
- Studying the effects of role-playing games upon participants since 1983.
- Providing role-playing games in educational settings and for educational goals since 1985.
- Working with incarcerated populations since 1989.
- Researching and using role-playing games to achieve therapeutic goals for a wide range of populations from 2 years old through senior adults since 2004.
- Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit 501(c)3 charitable research and human services organization, RPG Research.
- Founder and CEO of the for-profit RPG Therapeutics LLC and RPG.LLC.
- Author of multiple books in technology and gaming W.A. Hawkes-Robinson books available on Amazon.
- Creator of the wheelchair accessible RPG Mobile fleet vehicles and trailers.
- Founder of the experiential learning Role-Playing Game RPG Museum, and much more.
- Creator of the Brain-Computer Interface Role-Playing Game (BCI RPG) and many other related projects.
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